A letter from Władysław Zamoyski to Daniel O’Connell (November 1837). Reproduced courtesy of the Princes Czartoryski Library in Kraków [Biblioteka Książąt Czartoryskich w Krakowie], Władysław Zamoyski. Bruliony i kopie listów, 1837-1842, call number 6967 IV, no page number.
Nov. 27th 1837….
Dear Sir
The kind feeling which you show to the cause of my country by comenting [commenting] to take the Chair on Wednesday next at the Polish meeting gives me the courage of calling your attention to the following observations, the object of which is to give to render your presence on such an occasion its full effect. – as valuable to that cause as it is intended to be:
Similar meetings on preceding years have been the occasion of speeches highly injurious discreditable to the polish cause They gain by conveying to the public of this & other countries the impression that the Poles were divided amongst themselves by hostile feelings & opinions – They, in…, did not allow to believe in (nor even to wish for an impression calculated to spread joy among their enemies & even to create doubts as to their capability to profit by circumstances which might enable them to reconquer their independence.
I feel confident that by your attention being drawn to this point I have thought, I feel confident the preliminary observations that some recommendations to the contrary effect such in the Charman’s which you might make from the chair would effectually restrain any such injudicious outbreaks of feeling, while opening speech would be of the best result on the next meeting & might even spread out of doors the weight of your authority & the effectiveness of your counsels would greatly send to correct these unhappy dispositions among my countrymen & their friends.
No body, certainly, is more fit to obtain benefit in matter relative to the redeeming of an oppressed country than the Liberator of Ireland. He might with indubitable success, recommend to others the line he has been following himself & which his countrymen have earnestly, perseveringly & successfully pursued in concordance with his directions & orders.
He might tell what power result from such a line of proceeding on part of a nation toward a well tried chief. He might learn to others what he has himself experienced during a long, a difficult & successful carrier, a life which is not only admirable but whis [whose] is a true model for those who have a country to save.
Excuse, Sir, the liberty I have taken.
Having in vain attempted to get a momenti [moment] conversation with you I have thus taken the liberty of addressing you. I could not restrain myself from expressing these fears for the result of the meeting & this confidence in you.[A] Step calculated to do good should not turn to be a painful & regrettable display in which all Poles & friends of Poland would be … to find their best … of that cause involuntarily involved.
I have the honour to be, dear Sir, Your devoted servant
W Zamoyski