A letter written in French from Antoni Ostrowski to Daniel O’Connell (November 1837). Reproduced courtesy of the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw (Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie, Archiwum Ostrowskich z Ujazdu. Listy od A. Ostrowskiego, 1837, call number 407, p. 1-2).

Copy of a letter to Daniel O’Conell
Representative of Dublin
[As a] Member of the revolutionary parliament of Poland and citizen of this Land, hounded by the atrocious despotism of the great despoiler of the North, proud of sharing the banning, the exile and the conditions of my numerous companions of misfortune, like them, I felt a … feeling of consolation in learning that the famous defender for the right[s] of the oppressed and the nations, that you, Sir, had very recently again raised your powerful voice on behalf of our sacred cause! Yes, this word spoken in our cause, which touched our hearts in gratitude for you, who are such a worthy representative of the powerful and free Albion; this word, I say, will have … impacts not only on the convictions of our friends and appreciators of the good and just and of the real interests of humanity, but it will also be listened to, as an echo of our sufferings, a warning, and perhaps out of remorse for the conscience of which a narrow selfishness and a forgetfulness of the principles of sane politics have made them act up to now.
Thanks therefore be given to you, Sir, for having chaired so nobly and with such a touching anointing, the last feast commemorating our enduring night on 29 November 1830. Continue your noble efforts for this great work of universal importance, and so worthy of your great heart.
Yes, you will continue, we are accepting in advance any announcement, with this perseverance that is yours and which will remind the world of the antique virtue of Cato, in proclaiming the necessity for the good of everyone, to humiliate our mutual enemies, in asking continuously that the whole of Poland be given its previous independence and liberty. In this way, You would put the seal on the work which has so greatly filled your career.
At the same time, would you, Sir, as president of the mentioned meeting of the 29th [November], express our deepest gratitude to the venerable English speakers who were willing to join their generous voices to yours. Your name Sir and theirs are from now on written in our history, and our national affection will be with you always.
(signed) Le (Paladin) Antoine Ostrowski…
Paris, rue des petits augustins, 17
11 [?] Nov. 1837 …address…in London.
Copy of Antoni Ostrowski’s letter to Daniel O’Connell (November 1837)